Through My Eyes

Friday, December 22, 2006

Offended Someone

Well, i did what i do best again today, I offended my NTU supervisor. We were just chatting when i mentioned what my DSO supervisor told me about him (the ntu guy) giving me too much guidance. But i think the manner i speak and my explanation is rather bad and his face changed totally. Then he said in a pissed off manner that ya, he is giving me too much information. After the incident, i emailed him to apologise but i think that the damage has already been done, nothing can change that now. Damn, why do i keep saying or doing the wrong things, last sem was like this (to a friend), this sem again. Maybe i should do something about it..

Erm...Might be offending...

Wellz, i found this clip on YouTube, might be offending to some.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics"

Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics"

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Just something interesting. Using these three laws, you can come up with some interesting scenarios. Just an example:
Person A want to kill Person B. Then a robot is around. It must obey First Law, so protect B and it must do so without hurting A. If B tell robot to kill A, then robot will refuse cause it violate Second Law. Then robot cannot allow itself to come to harm while protecting B cause of the Third Law.
Well, lousy illustration...go find some scenarios yourself. Game Of Life coming up next:)

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Nothing much happening in my life recently. Been busy doing my research though I've been slacking quite a lot. Meet both my supervisors this week, the review isn't very good. I was told to do more thinking on my side instead of asking them so much questions. Well, maybe they are right. Didn't really meet up with Yan this holiday cause she have to work for her parents and i have to concentrate on my research. Have been doing quite a bit of reading about game theory (Nash equilibrium, Prisoner's Dilemma etc). Might be using concepts from there next time, though some parts are simply out of my reach due to time constraints as well as the complexity.

List of ToDos:
development of prototype 1 (22/12)
update timeline
literature survey
Reading: game of life, game theory.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

My new OS - Ubuntu

I've just installed Ubuntu linux into my laptop. Dual booting it with windows. Installation is rather simple since its the second time i'm doing it. IMHO, i think Ubuntu is the best distribution i've ever used. I can be considered rather new to linux so i have to spend alot of time googling and reading forums. I've always wanted to use linux as my main OS but i always lack the 'courage' to do so since majority of the people are still using Windows XP. However, in my opinion, how can a computer engineering student not know how to use linux. Yes, Windows still have its uses, but i think in the very near future, everyone will be forced to buy Vista [and to use Vista, you need to have a good machine]. Support for Windows XP home will cease on 31/12/06 as reported by Arstechinca. Switching to linux also reduce the temptation for me to play games and concentrate on my work. Enough said, lets take a look at my new OS:)

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Been a few months since i last update the blog. Been busy with school work and some other stuffs hence i don't really have much time to update. Alright let me update ppl on my life these past few months:
Joined a DSO sponsered research program (Yes, i get paid)
Grandmother passed away
Got my driving license (I need to pay)
Exams (It suck this time round)

Yes, just these 4 things...nothing much really. My life is so monotonous....everyday is a rush...rush to do this rush to complete that. I'm having my holidays now, but i still have to work for the research program and help out yan's parents from time to time (Yes, i get paid too). So i'm holding on to two jobs now. I guess its a good thing, it shows that i'm not wasting my life away as opposed to staying at home everyday. But if i got time, i still hope to be able to design a new blog design (lost my very own a few months ago).
Been a few months since i saw Quan or Fred. All have been busy with our own life not much time for others really.

Another update on the hikes our dear Pay And Pay government have proposed:
Just one line: "Milk the cow dry, as long as it don't die, MILK IT"

Its okay if you don't understand, try harder.

Alright, i guess its for me to sit back and see who actually still visit this blog of mine. Aidios...