My Rantz...
To those who checks out my blog, well i'm back....... was busy with school work these few days so didn't really bother to blog. Wellz, i guess its different in Uni. Poly life was less stressful, in uni we have to take care of things our selves. From arranging our timetable to choosing subjects to take. Find your own lecture notes, tutorials and lapsheets. Find the correct LT, tutorial rooms, labs when they dont give u the address. In uni, self-study is very important. No, extremely important. The professors there simply assumes that u know alot, so they tend to go rather fast, skipping chapters etc. I'm starting to think that those PBL skills i acquired during my time in TP is coming to good use although this time round i don't need to search for the correct books, i simply use the money i saved up to buy books. Was pondering whether i should by the Calculus textbook for quite some time, going to use it for like only 1month plus and it costs $40.50. Then i realised that inside the book, there's this preliminary chapter which revises maths that are fundamental to Calculus which is what i wanted so i went ahead and spluge on it. Although i've been trying to revise my secondary school mathematics,i never go far cause i got problems maintaining my work consistency. Sometimes i wonder why i'm i a engineering student when my mathematics is so damn poor. I guess i should really work on my fundamentals real hard. If...If i manage to cope with my maths this sem, i might consider taking up minor in Mathematics cause i feel that its quite a interesting subject. Some people think that i'm contridicting myself, wellz i guess i'm this type of person. Can't really decide what i like and what i don't. Just take what comes to me, shallow it, digest it, shit it.
I'm starting to think that this blog is becoming a place for me to broadcast my egoistic thinking. For me to rant rant and rant. For me vomit out words inside myself incase it cause some emotional indigestion.
I didn't bother to check my english so if u find that u cant understand what i'm trying to say, simply interpret it the way u like it. Going to slp le, later got lecture. Good Day!!!
I'm starting to think that this blog is becoming a place for me to broadcast my egoistic thinking. For me to rant rant and rant. For me vomit out words inside myself incase it cause some emotional indigestion.
I didn't bother to check my english so if u find that u cant understand what i'm trying to say, simply interpret it the way u like it. Going to slp le, later got lecture. Good Day!!!
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